Yes, sometimes I think based on agendas of whose agenda is suddenly cluttering up the news-waves from and to any sources, that stories almost seem magically positioned in time. The two big ones, today’s citizen voting and tomorrow’s major publicity stunt, (hope that’s all it is) in Congress regarding the electoral college certification. Also the ‘stand your ground’ law signing in Ohio, the not guilty pleas for the Illinois ex-pat that went over the border with an assault rifle (killing 2, seriously injuring a third) attending a protest held for another black family man shot by law enforcement, and in that case, there will be no charges applied to the law enforcement officers involved.
Makes me think, why don’t I just change my political persona to GOP, especially in this state where conceal and carry (according to the infinite wisdom of our state legislature, conceal and carry is a great and yes, urgent needy idea, cause you never know when those Tupperware housewives will get all up and uppity, we have to be ready to stand our ground and repulse any left of right-wing assumed behaviors, as in nipping it in the bud, besides nobody wants to be caught, like in a Nextdoor video post, with their pants down in a stand-off with the Tupperware moms from the hood). Not good. So like our current president I could shoot someone for any reason and get away with it, I think he said something like that in the last 4 years. Plus I might get bail money from rich infomercial reality personalities and get bailed out totally for nothing plus free attorneys, yeah, maybe I should switch to GOP? Also, got any ideas on great militias in the area, I’m thinking they will know where to get the biggest badass guns for the lowest prices.
BTW: I’m officially submitting the longest sentence in each of the 2 paragraphs above to the official Medium ‘Longest run-on sentence of the week’ competition prize, which includes merits like ridiculous use of random punctuation, sentences most likely to successfully lose the readers train of thought, plus other exciting parameters only a literary guru could love.
Yeah, once Mr. Orange leaves office, I have no sympathy regarding his future legal troubles, the legal system should finally be getting started with this con artist who cares for no-one but himself.