Yes, it's again time to bring up the whole testing debacle.
First off I never figured I was a good tester by any stretch over the years. I was one of those with a roaming head in class aka not paying attention as it were. Sure I could score well on the occasional test over the years but I think that was mostly when motivated by subject matter or anything I thought was interesting. Depending on the societal goals of our education system, I could say I paid for my inattentiveness. Like taking some higher and secondary courses for the next 25 years post-H.S. In a way, I was lucky to live in a community that apparently highly supported education.
Yes, anticipated testing results seem a way to predetermine what educational success is all about for better or worse. There may be courseware in the future that applies more diversity into account, including leveraging right/left/both neural brain functionalities. This IMO or POV may find more uses in the future.