Yes, everyone has a different set of values placed on products and services, and an example is; say you come from anywhere USA and are subject to the countries laws, etc. Further, say you own a home and don’t live in it. Still, it could easily cost you well over 1Kbucks just to keep the home, much of which might not be associated with object pieces that you bought but simply periodic service fees like rubberstamped insurance contracts and on and on. So where did the money go can be and is a wonder. Maybe you are wondering what the heck is going on and where the heck is the money going. In the USA I think anything and everything has a sale price, including all services, it ain’t social democracy it’s pure capitalism.
Here’s another 10th or 11th wonder of the modern world: Notice every election one perennial issue (noise?) that surfaces is this, most folks running for office surely have a playbook formula pretty much in concrete, one line(s) for sure is I will fight to lower your taxes, I fought tax increases, I will not allow higher taxes and repeat||, this noise goes on until after election day and then usually some revelation happens down the road, inevitably, that there was a clerical error somewhere, budget projections were way off, or just plain somehow our debt took off. So just like accountants can make a budget look like anything desired those taxes/fees that seem greater every year, couched in new regulations, fees, new and improved more fees, and the semantics shell game goes on, all you have to know is on par you pay out more every year in taxes, fees and government regulated changes that end up as a new revenue stream for someone probably on contract.
I’m not anti-tax, no way, but this spreading of sourced revenues through redefinition, such as new add on fees in various monthly billings people pay are strange indeed. You see it everywhere on billing statements, there’s a monthly cost, and then there are lots of add on fees, taxes and some other ill-defined wordings on public and private billings.
Okay, this is just going on forever, there are so many embedded rants here. Like I could go on and on about required numeric accounting regarding food packaging labels in stores, well screw the numbers and marketing lies, so many grocery store items are less weight, fewer counts, sized all in smaller packaging, do corporations think we are blind? How are profits up for big biz year over year, how is this done?
Then while squeezing consumers happens big biz wants the Fed to lower interest rates so more risks can be had on cheaper money. Also, has anyone been watching the overnight repo market for bank lending rates that the fed-reserve is trying to stabilize rates, they have been shoveling billion$ out on a daily basis recently, like for several weeks, why!?
Okay, I’ve done it, I’m stepping away from the keyboard now, away from the keyboard, yes, bye and good night.