Yeh, like a suburb of Timbuktu where the installed internet connectivity and quickness is probably better than anywhere in the USA's with one minor provisional detail, that of recognizing the absolute ruler of all things, his eminence Lord Baal IS all things among other stuff like also being master of the internet, praise his name!
Great story idea!
Alright, back in the saddle again…
(Now! Pillow Guy can die!)
I was thinking, (I know, dangerous thought)
EPLEWES could get more hits than LGBTTTQQIAA.
Think about it. But not too much. But hey, merchandising.
Also, my still free (minus my time doing endruns) current grammarly emoticon looks like it's taking a crap! Oh well, that's what happens when encountering beautifully twisted responder minds on Medium. Sigh.