Yeh, it could have ruined dinner.
Over the fullness of time if we don't sweat π¦π the small cultural shit I think the species will still survive. :-)
About body hair, when & where: I think back in the Mexican colonial day Euro women were proud sporting hairy legs, probably as class snobbery as the native Americans had less leg hair. How this snobbery was emphasized I haven't a clue.
Entrenched cultural patterns no doubt turn comical over time. Whether serious or not ingrained culture can burn lots of unnecessary calories. How about, 'Oh, I only drink Euro wines from our famous vineyards'. To which someone replies, 'go ahead, I'm having this better wine from California, and at half the price'. Sure, with the humans that could start WWIII, ingrained culture. I won't start in on beer or das bier, it might get my hackles up. :-)