Yeah the subscription email death pool. I've noticed the multi-year trend toward subscription everything. How long can it be before we get email subscription pitches for death services? Oh, wait a minute we get those several times a month in the snail mail from death planning at local mortuaries & assisted living (contracts) pitches, yeah these will soon show up in the email. I mean how else besides snail mail & email do soul sucking businesses get into contacting boomers?
Yeah, even I like my bio, duh. If ever visiting west central Wisconsin, there are several counties 3 months out of the year many times look like foggy bog, Wis. Yep, I still miss the Rocky & Bullwinkle show. Cartoons for adult kids. :-)
Just for grins, hang in there at least till after the results of the 2022 congressional elections. If it's deeply more of the same, run like hell, as the electorate will then have a real death wish. Of course you know, with global warming climate changes and all, there is very little if any place to run to. 🤔