Tim Colby
Aug 8, 2021


Yeah, one year heading back to the midwest from a week of family southern Florida beach time in winter, we set out on the highway heading back north. We got up around Atlanta and I stopped to get some road supplies for the fam. Got out of the car, must have been all of 35 degrees F and windy. Of course I thought starting out early in the morning, beach shorts, T-shirt and I don't remember, crocs?

No doubt the local Atlantans were amused and thought, there goes another dumb nawthaner thinking we 'all are living under peach trees and 70 degrees.

I skidaddled back out to the car with some supplies thinking I was dumb AF! Even the Ms. was amused greatly at my choice of wardrobe.



Tim Colby

Grad: Whats-a-mata-U, Mayor: Foggybog, Wi., Awards: Medium response run-on-sentence-king, Medium response all-over-the-place trophy