Yeah looks like 'I need a haircut' Boris Johnson now wants to reorg the NHS, how that sausage turns out might be a doozy. Just one guardian article here. Personally I have no real evidence or clue but I think the whole Brexit thing was to free the financial sector of England's economy by getting away from the regulatory Euro-zone. Maybe the prime minister and his party will show their real colors and become the NHS insurance company decider of choice. Over here that kind of action is similar in function to a leveraged buyout by a group of vulture like investors. Typically these lackluster pols will no doubt give their new rules or legislation uninspired names like, 'The Brit Better Health Act', or some such drizzle.
Okay I'll go back to my little corner over here in the states where tragically we still don't have a universal health system yet, unless your old, and that can even suck majorly depending on income.