Wow, just learning so many new or previously unused words like this: ‘perlocutionary’, had to look that up. Then microaggressions, we should all listen more carefully to learn what to do, basically nothing for my guess.
Maybe before the ramping up of social science to a mainstream study around the 50s-60s & 70s, there were more colloquial expressions at any kind of social group meetings. Unseen pecking order that is known, seen, yet not necessarily directly talked about at any social group meeting. Also in the same situation, popular thinking hearing some faux pas amounted to a member possessing hoof & mouth disease yet politely pretending nothing was heard, cause apparently the perp just doesn’t get it anyway.
But now we have a newer terminology and hey, maybe some will develop a phobia the more they understand microaggressive speech sliding into social conversations instead of simply knowing it when they see/hear it. I tried to get all literary in this comment by inserting a new word only to find out it wasn’t a new word ‘phobiotic’ (yet!). However, if we get too sensitive or somehow become fearful of microaggressions maybe a whole phobia could be uncovered, discovered, and unfortunately experienced. I have faith in social science or psychology science will define exactly what that new fear will be, not trying to be over-snarky here, cause much in the social sciences has become a thing in this new millennium.