What boomers don’t get about the younger gens situation is today the panorama of communication modalities pretty much goes unrecognized by boomers, it’s too new or something. Yes, gone are the days where anyone could walk into anyplace and not be considered a high terrorist probability. (not including walking into a place while being black, that is obviously still the national stigma)
These online employment pre-checks are a robot joke for sure! They remind me of queue lines at theme parks, only worse after you get a ticket you still might not be able to ride. Yeah, the robot forms are the corporate economies way of looking like everyone is an equal opportunity employer, that’s all they are good for.
I’m sorry, but in some ways the old ways are still very much with us. That is, someone you know tells you to jump through the bot hoops and magically your chances go from around 1% to 99%. In other words the automation systems exists for show plus data and marketing collection, it’s still many times who you know, etc.
Corporations will absolutely deny any of this intent and go on to quote all manner of investment in their H.R. practices, (which could be a possible cost expensed tax deduction) but that is their first line of defense for the modern corps, deny all, just post feel good corporate boilerplate crap about how much they care, add nausea. So easy, it’s an electronic form letter where maybe the subject is changed, but H.R. fires this crap out eternally. Click click send, or better yet with bigger corporations, send out response for 2-3 lists types of applicants automatically. It’s the H.R. grist mill, yeah, gotta love it.
Amazingly I think newer gens realize this more than us old boomers since they are living it more than those that are retired, I mean after swimming upstream in solid bull shit day-in-day-out a pattern is noticed and people say, F’k this!
Liked the white on white mini fonts for online submission, really your chances of getting hired are probably about the same as those that laboriously check every box and write a book, kind of like this response. :-)
Reminds me of those miracle pill ads costing millions on the broadcast news, (probably newer gens pay little attention to legacy broadcast news), where while the ecstatic happy people are (older people usually) dancing about on the tele-screen after taking a pill. The disclaimer list is scrolled by at warp speed, with a tiny font, maybe light blue on white background, which no boomer ever would possibly be able to comprehend while under these circumstances including posting disclaimer words like ‘death’. ☠️ … 💨