We are reminded that over the centuries of humanities experiments with various civilizations, probably many socially diverse in comparison with today's societies, that some or many individuals did not exactly fit into the social fabric of the day.
Fortunately, in the last few decades (fortunately right ?) the internet has opened the doors so that anyone can engage in reality shows/stories/blogs/etc. Not the least of which are reality shows like those recording and showing 'hoarders' on the public networks as an example where there are peoples that don't exactly fit into our contemporary society.
So if any message can be extracted from all reported reality 24/7 it is that even today there may be a few rips, tears, gashes in our own societal safety net. Stuff still happens as we see here in this story, possibly more than a little here and there. There is no idealistic 'Leave it to Beaver' reality space as we find out now that everyone has a mobile computer including public staffing in public spaces like libraries.
So one lesson we learn is that after the C-19 pandemic subsides and we can return to libraries and read/find some of our favs, if you happen to notice the librarians working behind the desk and see those eyes darting back and forth just over those trifocals, that there are reasons for that librarian to be constantly scoping out the public territory, just in case, because stuff happens.