Understand the animosity regarding billionaire leadership in the corporate world today. Not unlike the guilded age of over a century ago the difference being today there may be more complex methods controlling wealth. Instead of backroom deals at exclusive clubs and bank board rooms of the older guilded age, now governments and government operators are simply bought through wink and nods, political donations, (not to be confused with bribes😉), from nation state heads down to, I don't know, dog catcher?
Still it's a club us peons will really never join. It's really about 'how it's made', the billions that is, not necessarily who made what. We also might ponder what we might do if someone magically came up to us peons and said, "Hey there peon, listen up, here's 50-100 billion dollars of wealth, have at it". Hmm. What would we do?
Don't know diddley about Bezos' ex and that divorce situation, but with that settlement a chunk of that was put in college endowments of various types around the USA, and not chump change either. Yes, of course the source of the wealth flowed from the Amazon Corp. empire, no doubt, but hey, whether we appreciate these donations by Bezos' ex or not, still, what would we do with that wealth? Our form of capitalism might care less about actions like this, but it's allowed, and although the last POTUS I consider a much more dangerous threat than most any contemporary billionaire I've heard of, (thank the stars he is out), there can be much worse as historical real facts report. (Also, do we even know if that con P45 was even a billionaire? Or just more bluster deeply in debt?)
Speaking of Amazon and it's corporate culture a recent story or opinion report regarding the stressed working environment from workers to middle management to upper management was posted on Medium recently here. It examines how Amazon sausage is made in the warehouse/store part of the Amazon corporate empire.