-To be fair those cattle were on the Swiss side of the border.
-The short people also look like they were all shopping at Pennys’s back in the day when that was still a thing.
-The Gayes look suspiciously like they recently escaped from a Scandinavian prison.
-Unfortunately for yellowman I think he might be immediately cancelled by today’s woke crowd.
-DannyBoy doesn’t realize he is being stalked by a cadre of terrorists disguised as musicians.
-The Plaid warriors look like a group of invading outer space aliens that aren’t familiar with dressing up like modern earthlings. Fortunately, they could probably pick up a gig as a used car company in a pinch.
-Cock Van Der Palm looks like he some ended up on the album cover by mistake.
-Ummm, what religious cult did the Haikara escape from?