Thumbs up on all counts! 👍…
Used to have a rear tine Troy bilt just like your pictured machine, it too was a hand me down, but ended up giving it to a bud who was handy with motors, a true motorhead, and had a much bigger yard than I. Also, the boss wouldn’t let me use it anymore since she claimed I was wrecking all her flowers. Gee Whiz. But yeah those machines work great!
You are right about the weather, we got about one-ish more nights of on or at 32 degrees then a few days real spring weather, almost hot stuff, but yeah the past few weeks have been over-cold here in southern Wis. Also we are down on moisture.
Got lots of stuff planted as seeds and bulbs however nothing but roses are up currently leafing plus a zillion jonquils, daffodils, and now the tulips have decide to open the past few days. Scilla blues and some whites are all over along with the wild violets of every kind including yellow violets. Plus the bloodroots have also moved out all over the place, it’s like they are in a race with the myrtle to see who can take over the yard. Can the lily of the valley be far behind? I cover the roses at night off and on for a few weeks now.
Yeah originally we used the tiller a lot around here cause it does such a great job. Happy Spring, now if only my back would cooperate. :-)