This J.W. story as always is worth thinking about. The structures of the past such as working for some admin or upper crust set of individuals to their ends just as we might have our own ends (what? working stiffs) yes the C-19 era exposed the waste/uselessness of many workplace structures. I think it gives more weight to an old saw I've repeated several times regarding workplace structural machinations, that is, the real work gets done in the hallways, almost never at sanctioned meetings used by higher-ups. Meaning non-admins get their work done randomly at workplace via one on one communication, not so much at any genre of sanctioned workplace meetings.
BTW you may have notice that there are the weekly/daily/ meetings plus those unscheduled meetings that pop up. No matter what the meeting is about (work harmony ((wtf - this ain't China)) or some other nicey nice meeting title) It's always about we have something to communicate to you and you 'all are gonna listen, that's what those meetings are always all about.