This is why we read Kyrie.
Topping and weaving off another crafty spun up yarn of endlessly funny and twisted entertainment. Thank you. Loved it.
I know, I know you've found another subject wholly rejected by other literary wannabes, so much so that there was probably no room left for tropes like nazi buns, nun buns, library buns, etc.
Do have an observation though, I did notice that although no longer a fashion trend and now faded into the dusty cobweb memories of mens fashion. There was no mention of the once infamous 'Man Bun' ! I guess it's not due for a sporting comeback until the c-19 thing is all but over. I mean all the sit down cafes are kind of history at this point. As a typical suburban dude I used to love to make derogatory quippy comments on that particular fashion in low society discussions. Ah the good old days of 2-7 years ago, or whenever.
Great story idea! My fav bun for this story(?), oh blush, I loved them all!