This HR meeting of the minds can be a struggle in the case where a binary social construct exists. What if a Matriarchal Feminist (MF) is paired with a Patriarchal Misogynist (PM) and in some social binary relationship. I’m limiting this to M-F relationships while recognizing that there are still more single letter acronyms left to describe differently enabled couplings. My own example of this is my sig other is beyond me cognitively, IMO, in short, she would be the boss of sorts in our work/life relationship. In fact, my own thoughts and opinions are, that women generally are the literal glue holding together most social M-F relationships, but what if we are considering an MF & PM alpha couple relationship? Is there an assumption that no matter what the social/psychological issues of any day this coupling can work? Can a come to Jesus meeting have a resolution with couples of this social dynamic type? Is this situation a workable social contract? It sounds like a nation-state negotiating problem.
Or maybe I just had too much coffee this a.m.