This deeply thought out authorship imbroglio no doubt perplexes the unwashed literary masses like me. I figure based on the modern grammatical rules of the day in newer electronic applications like my free version of Grammarly writer etiquette programs, that in 20 years or so I should be able to learn enough correct grammar to enable some form of coherent writing style. The trouble with that last statement is I’m already 71 years old and if I should somehow last another 20 years, including the free version of Grammarly, speech to text programs are going to need a quantum leap to fashion any of my writing. Oh well, only in the fullness of time.
Of course, the Grammarly program’s spell checker flags it’s own name as not being a word or misspelled. Which leads me to suspect the former Chicago Tribune’s publisher was more a business man than a literary technician. If alive today he might adopt emojis to replace the written word enabling the hiring of cheap insta-gig-staffers to communicate the ideas of the day. U grok ? 👁 🤔.
Please, don’t mind me I’m trying to live up to my Medium profile. :-)