The whole suburbia phenomena, it has this aura of unsustainability about it, over time. It is evolving as you note and as I see new development more multi-unit places will be built before more pricey single family and possibly pricy gated communities in the future. The cookie cutter design model where every place needs garages, sidewalks, driveways and basic duplication of everything is really the unsustainable part of suburbia. I read your NORC had more design oversight possibly including the dreaded HOAs. Ahhhhh! Let's not even mention condos which you probably are very aware of coming from legal.
The real estate industry & current bubble seem to be going bananas over any kind of housing lately. At least once a week I get a snail mail postcard with that personalized looking inkjet handwriting telling me some person wants to buy my house for cash. Okay, no doubt house flippers, I mean, stop it already.
Yeah the demographics have been changing out here in the suburbs for some time, and not like the proverbial Clevers on elm st. as seen on 50s & 60s tv.