The same kind of massive corruption of the current fascist wannabee, Trump, is right there in congress. Not a bit of ethical, moral statesmanship is to be had by the money-hungry characters who follow the example that chief Trump exhibits every day. They act in fear of their corrupt master only looking out for themselves. As fellow Medium writer, Larry Lessig has preached over the years not much if anything will change until the dirty money gets out of our political system.
It's the same reason in Obama's first term, not enough votes could be found, from both sides of the aisle, to pass a better more comprehensive healthcare law directly due to the medical-industrial complex buying congresspeople and loading special interests into the ACA.
That rot we smell is the smell of congressional corruption, If Trump were an actual general he needs soldiers and he has lots of them.
Not to mention the pathetic educational awareness of millions of Americans who might worship something like bozo the clown instead of being thankful for all that has been accomplished at this juncture of the country's history.