The post ww2 labor economic model is going-going gone? I doubt if silicon valley has any clue about some ‘social contract’ and certainly rampant capitalism never has and never will. Younger generations are not the cause that they are self-employed and joined to part-time gig gigs, it’s more like they have to, not so much some kind of economic movement awareness. With automation, both physical and electronic, is driving many labor markets out of existence regarding the younger generation, they are simply reacting to the situation. They are not a labor movement, at least yet. Unfortunately, more of the younger generation will face increasing hardships and resultant unrest. With some higher-end careers that are left and no middle-class work economy left, what is left is some kind of residual economic model for much of the working population. We are winning the race to the bottom. Also, note self-employed people are not favored in the new tax laws, so please politicians, stop the ‘I’m for small business mantra’ bull shit, cause they are getting squeezed more than ever.
We could transition to a credit economy even though this is in direct conflict with rampant bottom line capitalism. Keeping people at work, much like make-work solutions probably could keep us going but won’t happen without some kind of badass class struggle. Make work initiatives for fixing infrastructure or investing in some future infrastructure is not in the cards with our current leaders of no vision. Having bozos running a country like ours with the daily vitriol of classist, sexist, racists victimizing and blame baiting is a sideshow to keep distracting while capital-resources centralization continues. I’m calling the employment statistics bogus with regards to what the standard of living that is currently being delivered, totally out of whack. There exist wealth and resources in this country where the distribution of resources is skewed in a crazy way. Over time we could run out of time to fix this situation.
If this sounds bleak, it is.