Thanks for this enlightening, informative, inclusive, and diverse awareness of members of any dark arts, aka artisans-of-the-dark(AotD), and, if anyone wants a copy of the AofD handbook, easy peasy, simply hold a copy of the Bible upside down and read it in the mirror. There are tons of Bibles in our nation's finer lodging institutions distributed freely. But never burn the Bible because its two two two books in one! :||
Kudos to the author who must now be in possession of the best story link bait on Medium for the month of Dec. 2023.
Now, a suggestive inquiry? Could you turn your sharpened writer pen attention to the Nextdoor app chapter in your neighborhood? Maybe give'em some of that turn or burn stuff. Get your neighbors out on the street with a bunch of pitchforks, hoes, sickles, and other sharp household implements, and most of them probably still have cigarette lighters from their early days enhancing the mob effect.🕯