Thanks for promoting all the great diversity in breakfast cereals, people shouldn't take for granted all the product development that goes into producing great diverse cereal goodies. Sometimes people are fooled by reading the required labeling on any cereal box saying it looks exactly the same except for a few different very long latin looking words that have something to do with deep research going on where cereal is somehow made. But no, there's vast differences in the plethora of options on display in your grocers sugar aisle, ahhh errrr, I mean the cereal aisle, not the least of which is keeping tons of marketing jobs alive and well making up new distinguishing pitches that will resonate with daily changeable customer whims. Think of it as a life saving mission by marketing gurus working hard for the public, such heros! BTW: have you ever tried mixing your trix with fruit loops and cocoapuffs plus some Christmas Captain crunch? Let me tell you the mouth feel is to die for!