Superclubs of the 60s & 70s (upper midwest) are pretty much a long gone phenomena of yesteryear. People today seeing what was available at restaurants in the past would no doubt be thinking, "WTF those so & so's had it way too good!" In many ways, maybe this was so using backward 20-20 vision, anyway, no rose colored glasses were necessary for this exersize.
The next gen of these types of restaurants in the upper midwest were eventually, closed, sold or handed off to the next gen in the 80s & 90s all the while trying to maintain that yesteryear ambiance but over time and into the new millennium the resources just faded out regarding affordability. Also people tend to die over time.
I'm sure even newer gens have seen hollywoodized version portrayals of past decadent banquets, etc. as far back as the fallen empires of Asia, Mediterranean, northern European, and others Hollywood probably was never aware of to begin with. Well that onscreen decadence was no doubt embelished a big-tad, but the foods? They had nothing on us, IMO. We probably had safter foods too, IMO.
Enough waxing on about the days never to return, at least in my lifetime. Though yes, there are still supper clubs here in the upper midwest that try like hell to recreate the supperclub experience. If this whole ongoing pandemic thing weren't still hanging around, I might try and scope one out. (NO emojis here can suffice representing this era, anyway that would be rubbing it in.) :-)