Spot on, again.
This media juggernaut of pushing reality(?) people is a perfect example of our nations obsession with conspicuous consumption over the decades, and trying to keep alive that business model.
The contemporary ass-backwards Kardashian-Jenner cabal of reality(?) show people, who unlike the more talented in the acting profession no doubt have trouble acting their way out of a box.
Should they encounter issues like a Dallas-Dynasty Texas shit show icy weather event they can opt to fly off to some Caribbean resort township for 1G$ a day while surrounded by a small army of armed security guards.
Further if it turns out to be (please no) a prolonged shit show tipping point for the general population, like the under reported (-nothing to see here, go about your business, nothing to see here!-) Jackson, Mississippi frozen pipe water crisis, well for the faux rich, part of their business plans might include prepaid interest from land speculators in New Zealand if all goes to hell in a handbasket.