Social behaviors and beliefs tend to calcify over the decades, trying to talk away this entrenched social history becomes like pulling teeth.
We moved to a midsized town in northern Wisconsin in the ’70s for about 3 years early in our marriage, a town socially consisting of Catholics, Protestants and a few surrounding native American reservations. Like most northern former boom towns of yesteryear, the most long term sustainable industry was basically booze/bars, even out in the fricking forests, and of course, this industry helped to supply local hospitals with plenty of business in so many ways. There were social/mental moats around contemporary thinking there to the point where medical providers seemed to naturally support medical wards by denominations. Strange by today's reasonings and maybe no one believes this kind of social reasoning ever existed. But if we look, facts jump out. Contemporary social thinking of the day seemed seamless. Why, who’ da thunk different?
A class advantage over time shows up in the social groups, individuals or by some privilege indicator. So there is the better to do of the denominations and maybe a chief’s family however that worked. Class social beliefs solidify over time evolving in what appears illogical social reasoning by today’s social world view.
Our educational system has so indoctrinated the populace by keeping unwanted narratives hidden from learning that to sit around most contemporary dining tables and say native Americans somehow became a dinner conversation and someone began to discuss American legal state-sanctioned native American genocide, no doubt much indigestion and sudden bio-breaks would ensue, besides dinner guest being unable to detach from their frickin mobile devices. Bon Appetit.
This is why many times we simply go along to get along, there’s enough stress making a living, especially for those apparently of lesser privilege.