So there are endless jobs around the house, endless it seems. If a problem starts festering on me, (aka overriding the procrastination gene) I decide something has to be done, however, in the past, I’ve noticed that I’m not a fixup handyman journeyman. I’m more like an oopsie cobble job master of many things, (aka ducktape and tears method). So I end up sourcing ideas from Google and Youtube, (thank our lucky stars for e-utilities in this modern era, It could beat many years of trade schooling plus try and find trade people in this era). After watching videos of 101 ways to screw stuff up and how to avoid this and do something right, I think using other ideas and seeing others go through processing ideas that I end up saving time and getting results that don’t totally suck. So my method is front-load the idea sourcing so that it’s not all homegrown above the shoulders. (aka, learning to listen, ouch!)