So, lately I've noticed that making an appointment at a regular medical facility, clinic, etc. for a booster shot is trending toward, not happening! For reasons unknown the place we used to get vaccinated at, clinics, ad-hock places set up by medical people to deal with a huge viral spreading time, (2020-2021) and all this probably with some federal support which we don't exactly see.
Instead, I see all manner of free shot signs at pharmacies everywhere. This when the media is definitely downplaying covid variant infection rates at many locales around the country. Here's the problem, though I won't mention capitalism, oopsie I just did, pharmacies are really not set up to run a vaccination business concurrently where most pharmacies are woefully understaffed, underpaid, and no doubt people logistics were an afterthought at best. Of course this all ends up as a massive cluster fuck dumped on these understaffed underpaid pharmacy workers. What did anyone think was going to happen?
So welcome to fall 2022, where school kids older and younger come home with something more than the standard runny nose, where sports tail gaters come back and later feel something seems wrong with their health, and generally where people congregate at stores, including pharmacies and not wearing masks whether they are boosted or not previously. Note, hospitals still get it, all hospitals and clinics I've seen require a mask, they know the risks, they know the medical science and this ounce of prevention is beyond worth it, especially at any medical facility. (Since back in 2020 the public knew better and deliberately like dummies did not kick covid in the ass as they/we should have done, and were told to do!)
Obviously I could go on since there is so much wrong at public places like pharmacies and elsewhere while living around covid variants. But mercifully, I won't.