So if Medium is like any other corporation, which it probably is for the most part, writers then are creating piece work like in a sweatshop factory.
If writers get good under the factory rules typically they could start earning more. Due to our particular brand of capitalism, this looks like an opportunity cost on the books affecting revenue negatively. If this cost grows whoever owns the books says, we are losing some revenues in the production line. Ergo some change is implemented, to re-align the cost per production unit thereby accumulating revenues without the extra cost. All things being equal (in our system) usually this adjustment if successful leads to continued revenue or possibly more revenue.
I’m not cheerleading our brand of capitalism, no, I’m merely pointing out how the F’ker works.
(So yes, that in almost any business in our economic system, and in this one in particular, writers, are assigned numbers with the usual spreadsheet account tracking software)
In this world we have moved into some newer transitional industrial age where a huge chunk of services and products have all moved into e-space, but it’s still the same as last century ,the sweat as it were has been transferred to the gig worker, other online shingles, e-gig workers, and lost job functions absorbed by automation.
Sooner, but probably later, the ‘way things were’ crowd will figure out that what was is no longer. Obviously these trends mean our brand of sweatshop productivity capitalism will not survive, so let’s start thinking about implementing a differently enabled economy. Also, because there seems to be too much gun fire in our neighborhoods lately. :-(