Seriously? All the online businesses, why do you think they are 24/7 pumping/sucking data from our brains, as if we were batteries in the machine Matrix world? Hmm?
Hey Sherry, great piece and thought food, plus entertaining.
So there are at least 2 different worldwide pandemics virally lurking about. The ongoing physical microbial nasty for over a year now, plus a finalizing gasp of what Medium’s
own learned philosopher (among other skills), Mike Meyer refers to as ‘late stage capitalism’, which mostly now is implemented through the business mechanism known as ‘The Subscription’. This ‘Subs’ tool tends to mask some of the outright price inflation we see/feel/know everywhere, dead converted malls, pricy groceries, and all manner of the same old ‘new and improved’ product crap.
And guess what? The MAJORITY of the younger gens are not playing along with the time honored tropes of God, country, flag, Mom, and what did I miss? Oh Apple pie. No, they are not going to play. Period. Even they note that the fix is in no matter what is done under our current capitalist regime, that it is literally unsustainable , (for the 99 '%ers). To them it’s going to be change the wealth distribution or ‘else’.
So Sherry if you are wondering what ‘else’ is, think of yourself having the presence of mind to jump into a proverbial lifeboat on the Titanic. What’s that? Well you kind of outlined the value to writers in this subscription market in your story, kinda sucks. (Ah, possibly the number$ aren’t there?). To -enjoy- going down with this ship, which over time includes everyone of us, as a talented writer try some new identity, get yourself a new pen/ghost name while hitting all the cesspools of publications in our glorious internet enabled viral toilet, (wow, this suddenly went kind of dark, huh) and post any old viral thing imaginable, since the subscription path is overly crowded at the moment, and heck the ship is sinking, tick tock, (was that a pun?) enjoy the great unwinding clock of late stage capitalism.
Thanks again Sherry for your thought provoking piece, in a way writing on Medium is a little bit like letting it ride at a Vegas craps table. I get it, let’s see now and try to coin a contemporary term, oh, how about ‘generational doom riders’? Sorry for the darkness, it’s in vogue currently, and also, thank you for hosting my caffeine infused rant-o-the-day response. Now it’s time for my 3-4 day cleaning shower and I must get outdoors on this glorious spring day. Ahhhhh.