Scratching head and beard over this, (no barbers nearby at this time), since the USA is the biggest empire on the planet with around 50 +/- % chunk revenue streams not streaming, is this ad revenue downturn any wonder?
If this situation continues for several more months from this writing and it easily could, then maybe all of us should dust off our pens, pencils, and keyboards and learn what personal advertising is all about while honing our copywriting and marketing skills. That is, get onto Craig’s list and start selling all the crap we have accumulated in our abodes over past years of plenty. Because we will probably need all these tiny revenue streams if only being able to pay for our internet.
Nice reporting article. Thank you.
I was going to dive into a rant on advertising and marketing in the USA but I’ll spare you’ all that annoyance plus my a.m coffee is wearing off. Besides the ROI on 99%’ ers writing books is nil.