“Sadly it is essential to say that Rome didn’t fall in a day, and lots of people took several generations to figure out that it was gone”.
We seemed to have never paid attention to the head-scratchers of yesteryear like conspicuous consumption. That behavior, pumped by marketing, reeked of irrational fear. Whole industries thrived on unnecessary fear. To name any one of many, the better living through chemistry industry has evolved into millions of people paying out millions dumping unknown chemistry onto green areas so someone won’t have to bend over and extract a weed. Seriously? Yes.
Speaking of irrational fear, I could probably enable a startup industry that affixes plastic shields to bike helmets, because people riding bikes may get hit between the eyes by the dreaded threat of Murder Hornets! The fear that folks should be cultivating in their minds should be more like, I’d better grow something somewhere cause a lot of what's down in the fresh food section of the grocery store is going to disappear by this coming fall? Possibly even potatoes if the fast food places remain closed. Potatoes are relatively easy to grow even if they have seemed cheap, like eggs, in the past. Lots of things can disappear, quickly too.