What isn't a roar is the situation in the Senate described loosely as:
"filibustered, requiring two-thirds of senators who are present and voting to end debate."
The U.S. senate should return to majority rule. If we can survive with our current Senate rules for several decades so far, barely, we can certainly eliminate those rules which may be designed to have a handy spanner to use at any time to clog up the arteries of government legislation. (Or maybe old folks like me can better grasp important legal concepts when slowed down by deliberate obstructions like that mentioned above. It's at my speed so to speak.)
People our age aren't usually known to be quick on our feet or have a lucid snappiness of mind, (okay, present company excepted) so yes, some kind of sunset qualifications are probably due. Like law enforcement may have a 20 year career rule in many jurisdictions, but some kind of limits to grease the flow of whatever legal progress is probably a worthy move.