Regarding the whole WFHome issue.
“My advice to young people: Choose the office.”
Probably good advice for those first few years learning the ropes at any job, obviously some careers always require attendance like first responders, most trades etc.
Yeah, about the evolution of the office cubicle, that scenario reminds me of the sci-fi scene in the matrix movie before taking the red pill.
Have you ever noticed new young people beginning their work careers and being assigned to a cubicle? There’s a lot of wiggling and jiggling going on possibly for months/years, kind of like breaking a wild mustang in.
AKA how ya gonna keep ’em in a Des Moines cubicle after their first vaca in Pari. (not French, please curb the cliche hate, thank you, Merci)
“knowledge and wisdom in the workforce, but also blocking the growth and emergence of the young and innovative.”
I’m not so sure of this reasoning regarding our current demographic outlook here in the US. All those help-wanted signs everywhere though not high end jobs still keep us busy. Also, keeping on retirees and switching the work rules from 40 to a 30 hr. work week or so standard could affect our countries need to switch to other UBI models. (UBI, possibly every dyed-in-the-wool capitalist nightmare, likened to being surrounded by zombie-vampires) But that is another interesting big discussion for another time.
“Yet it falls short on the word “work,”
Another uncolorful English 4 letter word.
“temples we pray in”
“And the path to good work usually involves shitty work”
True, anthropologically, culturally, etc.
However, Places like China could come apart at the seams in the coming years due to the machinations of the CCP acting like the proverbial Queen bee or ant Queen as they try to leverage the power of their social surveillance network. The country’s CCP could dissolve before the denizens even figure this out anyway.