Really don’t know how to respond since I’ve never had to survive in the edu trenches, but I do see even a state like Wisconsin which has been robbing a perfectly great edu system over the last decade by choosing to underfund or just consistently eliminate edu budget supports piece by piece. So state edu here is taking a bad haircut and the whipping people victims are of course the educators, many of which have moved to other states or outright changed careers. The real haircut redirection of revenue should be happening for the medical industrial complex and various military and homeland security budgets, but that probably won’t happen (until it’s too late) due to all the bought off politicians that spend their orating time dissing the educators as the problems in edu.
The only update in Wisconsin is new Governor a former state of Wis. department of public instruction head, unfortunately, faces a state legislature that thinks they are living in some kind of 1950’s hooterville district.