Tim Colby
Nov 2, 2020


Potus 44 made that fatal mistake of walking, drinking coffee, speaking, and breathing while being black in the still big-ass empire and former(?) nation-state-slave-state, Mericka.

It's beyond obvious potus 45 has as one of his goals, (being at the top of the white bully class heap), abusing #44, as he does to anyone who is not #45, including *any* other people in labeled groups such as women, immigrants, *anyone*.

The latest civil disobedience of gun toting, flag waving, pickup truck loving, MAGA breast beaters is annoying but still hasn't devolved (with a few notable exceptions) into an all out shooting war. Even with the big uptick in WMD, (I'm sorry), gun sales what we might first see is lots of foot shootings and other worse accidents in our already overcrowded C-19 hospital ERs.

Adjusting, just one more reason to stay indoors especially in the upcoming deer rifle seasons. Keep your heads down & vote!



Tim Colby
Tim Colby

Written by Tim Colby

Grad: Whats-a-mata-U, Mayor: Foggybog, Wi., Awards: Medium response run-on-sentence-king, Medium response all-over-the-place trophy

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