Poor Elon F'd himself when he let his hubris get too loose and bought Twitter and then couldn't figure out why he has to pay for that. He probably thought, why should billionaires have to pay for anything?
Yeah, the collective term is known as social media. I was never on Twitter or FB, so I could easily be classified as a social derelict boomer. I was a Google + member and liked that well before I figured out Google has a drop anything not associated with its biz-to-biz strategy and us peons were merely datum collection points in a sea of data. Oh well.
Remember when the internet was characterized as a firehose of information, well now that stream of info includes anyone with a keyboard or pointy finger with emojis including the new possibility of commercial availability of those AI-chat-a-lot bots all loading up the internet firehose with not-so-necessary info, also now referred to as 'content'.
I could go on but I'll start another morning coffee break soon riding my morning wave.