Once again, apologies to Hubby having to suffer through Crazius Americanus syndrome that can afflict sane Danes and other civilized Euros.
“But, sentiments aside”
Could have read, ‘But, pleasantries aside’ :-)
“Don’t read (American) news”
Correct, absolutely! In USA national & the pathetic local news is a mysteriously heavily produced spectacle indeed!
I mean, it’s like watching a soap opera, and the local news is worse.
The national news feeds have stories with queued mood music massaging the viewers minds. Sad, Happy, or meh, it probably has a soundtrack somewhere in the broadcast.
Yesterday the 2nd-3rd main stories on all 3-4+ national news broadcasts networks was the status of a somewhat burnt out pop-star Britney Spears’ conservatorship. Also big Pharma spends millions on advertising drugs for these national news broadcast networks. Do we really need to know what some pop star’s conservatorship is all about, are we watching Entertainment Tonight, or TMZ?
Local news broadcasts are so poorly cobbled together they could be confused with an ancient vaudeville show. Yeah, it’s that bad.
“Keep on walking”
I’m from the USA and I still can’t figure out why people can’t dislodge their backsides from their car seats when obtaining food or drinks. If indoor service is open, say at a Starbucks, it is infinitely faster than getting in a smoggy car line queue. Way faster. Duh. Right, baffling. Your poor Hubby probably can’t figure this out either. Maybe we all were brainwashed (yes!) at a young age watching movies like ‘American Graffiti’ where mostly nobody got out of their cars, ate there too, and possibly were procreating. Mind boggling!
“Don’t get sick”
Absolutely, if the treatment doesn’t kill you the bill surely will!
Yes, apologies again to hubby. He is a stranger in a strange land. :-) But here is some different news, way way back in the day, some Euros came to America and some of them settled in what is now the well to do Dane, County, Wis. :-) <rimshot>