Oh my, Colin you have outdone yourself this time around, 17 is obviously the charm.
It’s forced me to unwillingly and uncontrollably to be sucked into another listicle, oh the compulsion!
- $tewmac no doubt smartly positioned that Jeep to obscure the lack of 6-pack abs.
- Checking out that perfect D.J. K-tel mom, I’m now wondering what kind of drug regime she needed to put up with this perfect family charade. I think she was about to implode. Is daughter’s head about to do a 360?
- John’s kids, a virtual bouquet of 60s flower kids out on a be-here-now romp in the strawberry fields. Amazing.
- Not link bait! The real backstory behind the Upbound↑swing band away from Gospel is the following info. Only recently released is this, after shooting the album cover an observant photo editor noticed axe man’s real tendencies and he was expelled from the group and transported unto his friends down under, one of the dorks was replaced with a blond and then they renamed their band Abba. I swear!
- I think the logo on sweet-P’s jacket is a no smoking sign. Yeah, pretty sure about that.
- Yep, too bad Sammy Hall had a dream unfortunately a dream never fulfilled due to somehow getting permanently lost in a shopping mall that didn’t even have mall cops.
- Steve G. was obviously higher than a kite by anyone’s guess and kosher chef Granny happened into the shot to try and find out what her boy Stevie boy wanted for dinner. Oh well at $40 bucks a shot per pic that would have to do. Steve was so high he just sat down for the shot not realizing that sports equipment was left in view.
- Good ole Johny Tolengo with the super sexy knuckle hair which can easily be explained as a sign of deep & powerful Euro libido, I mean, don’t approach without protection. I immediately google checked hundreds of Liberace pictures and nope, no knuckle hair just lots and lots of bling-ware.
- Now about Gary, … , to figure this guy out one has to get up close and personal in the phone booth with Gary, only then can a true connection be established with this elusive personality. Curious, is Gary wearing a tipping folder in his belt(?), well I’m not going into the phone booth with this guy, that is unless he is possibly the next regenerated Doctor Who.
- I’d rather get into a phone booth with Gary than approach anyone in the Norman Paris Trio, it’s like they originated in a one ring Euro Circus. Let’s face it, the name ‘Norman’ is a dead giveaway! Duh!
- The lead album cover - of the WhoTF cowslips? I immediately reported this group to the NSA’s suspicious activities division, I’d bet they are all headed for a some secret rendition site as we speak.
- So Colin, if you ever run out of unbelievable album covers, (not likely), there’s alway just plain old worst albums, I mean there must be hours and hours of unbearably horrible album content out there, why just sitting here typing this virtual book an easy candidate for worst albums ever I’m thinking is William Shatner’s earlier talk-a-thon album (1968?), even some of his others. He’s sorta like a black hole for disastrous musical content. There’s no beaming out of these early musical disasters.