Now now now just relax and let's get to the bottom of this customer relationship issue. Where you see a convenience multi-national corporations see wasted time plus opportunities to fill that wasteful void you have been experiencing with their patented and trademarked velociraptor marketing operations that will imprint your frontal lobes with all manner of ‘Buy More™️’ suggestions without you even realizing WTF is going on. Once you follow instructions and push a series of programmed buttons the gas station screens can immediately switch into an advert firehose you didn’t even know you wanted to see and hear. See, it’s all win-win and win some more victories. Resistance is futile, give into those micro-urges to Buy More™️, fill that wasted time standing around at gas pumps vegetating and losing opportunities to Buy More™️. See, according to hundreds of scientific surveys you now feel better, more fulfilled, what a contentment rush!
Coming soon: ‘EV Charging Opportunities™️’, preregister for our patented VR & AR glasses and receive your magic glasses before others. No more gassy smells at archaic filling stations but a seamless virtual fulfillment mall, no hassle no friction ever! Act now while early supplies last.