Nice Video.
Doing something one day may have a different outcome doing the same thing the next day.
It’s almost like trying to change anything in the universe, it becomes complicated, but when it’s time to execute, the trick is recognizing that the time and the place is right, or discovering opportunity.
Considering everyone has some kind of unique worldview, complications are a given. Sometimes our best laid plans, or preconceived methods might never work with our fellow humans, since everyone is on their own path, in the same universe, but with different sets of mental baggage.
Knowing to let go of our thought out methods may enable us recognizing a different opportunity that could achieve a change. Or, our plans could blind us to sought out real outcomes.
Recognizing a right place and time for action may take some observation and stillness in the mind. Periodically dumping our own mental baggage may allow seeing other situations we are normally blind too.
Well that was deep. But so is entropy. Methods, observing, timing and knowing what we are seeing.