More like 5+ centuries if at all. Yeah, we are stuck here where all life on earth probably completely exists in a spherical ribbon 10 miles or so thick, and probably < 5 miles thick for the human species.
Smart robots might be used to go to places like the asteroid belt and mine asteroids like 'psyche' that is supposedly consisting of planetary core-like materials. Of course, our advanced space smelters would employ future clean space tech, wouldn't want to mess up the asteroid belts' carbon footprint.
Our main problem now is resource distribution for 8 billion people of which maybe 2 billion at most have the lion's share of Food, Shelter, and Knowledge for the continuation of the species.
We should stop our elitist grab-ass nation-state games of ripping each other off for resources, possibly then we could have a chance to dig holes in space instead of earth, think ideas like 'international' space station together with getting control of a species with a runaway population and resource distro problems that currently do not want to cooperate on sharing resource anything. Think, we are all in the human species, with very tiny differences, cooperate or die we all will.