Medium is the huge mega-blog where the scene is to lock thousands of authors in a closet and see who comes out alive, kind of money making operation.
I did link to the author and story at the end of this piece and that author (yes, I follow that one too) may be one of the few that makes it out of Medium’s closet still breathing. For lack of a better description that author’s scrappy satire might employ some kind of passive aggressive (emphasis on aggressive) drive with an underlying confidence in the writing trade. That is, the author knows what buttons to push and when. Yeah, there’s some ego under the surface there, as with most of people. The other day for whatever reasoning he took another swipe at another high-producing Medium author and had me reacting with and instant lol. Okay, that says something about the depth of my human empathy response too, almost like my social mind has no shame, and, old age or experiences can drive one to that kind of mindset.
Anyway, that author now reports editor status for what pub I don’t know since there are so many pubs around Medium, maybe someday they will outnumber Medium authors? I don’t think he will reach the status of every Medium author’s favorite whipping boy, Tim Denning, but while on his way out of the Medium closet of death, who knows?
Also, are writers secretly sharing their love or lack of love with the editor class? (Rhetorical)
In the meantime try to assume the ‘tude of not sweating the small stuff. Or in younguns talk, assume the tude dude. :-) Okay that was intentionally bad.