Many K zillions of applause for this timely excellent post!
Yeah, folks like Mr. Hershey who apparently live inside the USA empire bubble really haven't pondered a clue as to how the sausage, I mean chocolate and much else is made. What has to happen so individuals can pile into a hummer, hit the grocer, and snatch up a Hershey bar, no, they probably never give these actions a thought. They are literally blind to the whole peopled, (all of us), infrastructure.
As a sidebar, how long until our empire's labs that produce mRNA & Crispr tech, veggie burgers, meat cell manufactured meat (minus the millions of bovine-piggies-clucks), put their collective heads together and come up with tasty synthetic chocolate? I mean with world population around 8 billion, if we want chocolate this might be a necessity.
As a people clustered into what is apparently the world's more/most successful empire, so far(?), depending on anyone's definition of success, we are yet totally clueless and blind to what is holding all this empire tech temporarily together.
Another reality that we might consider is the young who also are experiencing the pandemic phenomena, they have traded their teddy bears for tablets, what kind of scrolling are they into? A subject for another day.