Many good points. Our whole transportation model is touted as great, especially by those who benefit, the fossil fuel industry, (in ways unseen), many many consumer businesses, and the list goes on. A serious reorging to mass transit solutions that take less real estate (roads & car storage is everywhere gobbling up land, resources). In places less than a million people reorging transportation to mass transit solutions could begin to lower the individuals out of pocket costs, that is more services directed to taxpayers and less tanks. Putting an end to capitalism, and the unsustainable pyramid scheme of never ending growth and consumption would be the next big step towards healing the climate crisis.
How some might ask? Stop incentivising for-profit everything. It's radical economic structural and civil change, ain't gonna be easy, but the current system is killing everyone worldwide, there is no real practical way to maintain our systems of consumption of products and services. The 'toast' is near burnt.