It's like the old tv ad, 'you asked for it you got it, Toyota, ahh, I mean capitalism.'
Many corporate behaviors and public jobs create public busyness that produces nothing but higher costs for everyone. Much of these costs seem like a misallocation of fees and taxes. So much lock-in for revenues is already dumped on the middle to lower incomes, from top-heavy admin, say in education (and everywhere else for that matter, private or public) that is the instructional staff does not run education. In spite of the huge chunks of fees & taxes paid, how is this wealth is distributed? Much goes to higher-income individuals whose business it is to maintain the revenue flow of taxes for non-public uses. The distribution problem.
Capitalism seems to never stop its march to total wealth control for the simple goal of 'more', and no reasoning, only <explicative> 'more'! Capitalism decides the distribution, the governments just enforce that endless trend until catastrophic failure of economic systems. Stay tuned.
The 'open' internet's short history is a good example. From bbs 'es to portals, pay-to-play (ISPs?), subscriptions, and more subscriptions, everyone being forced into some substack situation, tiny or huge, until the open internet becomes the shell that is the proverbial old cash register. To break that cycle will be serious confrontation indeed, much like <-explicative- this!>.