It’s (finally) time for an alternate universe Walkerville, Wi. School District layoff lister 🎶👏👏👏🎶.
Due to contemporary issues like pandemics, budget cuts, flatlining PTA attendance, flatlining parents, fee collection failures, and a host of other problems we regret that we must terminate the continuation of all adjunct teaching staff contracts, or 96% of the instructor workforce.
- Contractors will be replaced by iPads, at approx. 30 kids per class, it’s cheaper.
- Class course plans will be provided by professional educators from Anystan with an H1B Visa status. “Guud moanin ghildrun”
- 2 -15-minute recesses per 6-hour school session, outdoor exercises around the hood.
- Special lecture series guests provided by local political appointments. {Spoiler: Lecture #1. First jobs: The Art of Kissing-up.}
- Field trips provided by DisneyⓉ movie shortsⒸ at 1/2 price.
- Educational course materials provided by Amazon on kindle readers for 1/2 off retail price.
- Special language classes provided by the Apple emoji libraryⓉ, gratis.
- Sports games and gym class instruction provided by Addictive Gaming CorpⓉ. A nominal fee or ad model choice.
- Opt-out (small fee) or continuous class picture surveillance with yearbook selection choices available.
- Parent — Teachers Day, eliminated.