Tim Colby
2 min readAug 8, 2021


It takes some kind of communicative talent to get into other’s heads having that ability to read an audience, whether it’s church, state, or nowadays various corporate bosses.

Those that have this knowhow are probably very useful to society especially if we have never heard about them outside of our local remote social and belief circles. Because the ones I’ve heard about IMO, tend to be remembered names like, Hitler, Trump, and a collection of jet set mile high power seeking, money grubbing evangelical <adjectives + nouns here> clergy. (seriously does anyone know WTF these flying clergy are up to, besides 20-40 Kfeet)?

Yeah, there certainly are snake oil sellers good at this manipulating people's heads usually ending in social corruption. They have somehow acquired group communication skills, have smart handlers (aka marketeers), or somehow get support to peddle their faux scorn.

———Please, let's put them to bed now———

(They are the ones that make themselves outwardly known for personal causes)


Think I know of what you speak as my father (and his brother) were both protestant clergy. I have good memories of my father and his brother, both were okay and didn’t focus on themselves but their work and family.

But yeh, my brother and I being young in church I’m sure we were a show by ourselves, and probably not knowing that being kids. Not sure about brother but after a few years I pretty much knew by the seasons what sermons were coming up. Chapter and verse. As kids we would occasionally have serious trouble holding back the giggles so we wouldn’t sit to close together. EX: One Sunday we were too close and both of us noticed a certain ladies hat in the pew directly in front of us. That hat could have put mini Pearls or the Queen’s court to shame, I mean that hat was fully loaded!

Fortunately we soon went to a hymn before that contagion spread to anyone else that day. Either that or my Dad changed the agenda quickly if he spotted us, (not hard, a smallish congregation), both trying to hold back chuckles (almost at that snorting phase). I’ll never know. :-) Needless to say neither me or my brother decided to join the clergy as a career.

So yes, my family had a similar surface structure but I think a better outcome, but stuff happens. Now don’t get me started about the parson’s wife, that would be a book for another day. :-)…



Tim Colby
Tim Colby

Written by Tim Colby

Grad: Whats-a-mata-U, Mayor: Foggybog, Wi., Awards: Medium response run-on-sentence-king, Medium response all-over-the-place trophy

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