“It provoked a perfect storm of wrath from women who adore uncomfortable shoes”.
Yeah, sorry, but these folks clinging to stupid spike shoes are all headed to a podiatrist probably sooner than later.
To defend fashion choices of the previous generation, (and maybe exercise regimes of the healthy too), there is a whole slew of nannying nags pointing out to the previous boomer generation what they are doing wrong, everywhere, and, with everything. EX: ‘you don’t know how to buy food’, ‘you are buying the wrong food’, ‘you have too much of everything and still are getting duplicates’, ‘get rid of all this junk’, Holy crap the list of nags goes on and on, so I’ll stop before a book of younguns’ nags forms right here and now.
No doubt, further examination of all the justifications for endless nagging may reveal a slew of not too well-thought-out decisions by the younguns themselves. :-)