Humans are analog, apparently by their own discernment of more intelligence than other subs/species whether octopus or porpoise and many others. We can jump to make decisions along our analog lifetimes at almost anytime, we are just that great.
Yet we consider ourselves so intelligent as to make and use tools to a modern extent that we believe our creations can be on par with our intelligence. This contemporary digital era employs such a phenom, we seem to believe digital data over analog experiences to the point of rivaling decision making. That’s a bit of a leap for a social animal like us. Yes/No ‘ing, on/off ‘ing decision paths methods could be boiled down to a series of 50/50 forked pathways to the next event, or somewhere we always have a 50% chance of a satisfying solution event. Our digital decision trees become the soma of convenience.
Look at an analog scientist like Darwin who cataloged so many observations and writings, what has the social human animal done but boiled down the sum total of natural selection to a simplistic decider phrase like survival of the fittest. Sounds so digital as if a few steps were somehow missed in a decision process. It becomes a kind of mass-marketed myth.
There are many paths from A to B, especially for the younger in career decisions, myopic thinking may well be anyone’s undoing. To get to B from A may pass many letters along the way. We have more than 2 eyes we have a mind running 24/7, hmmmmmm.